2. a form of transport is ridden in the snow. 3. a plant people kiss under. 4. a sweet, spicy biscuit is used to make men and houses. 6.something is lit in church. 8. the place in finland santa lives. 10.the small people help santa. 12. another name is used for santa. 14.a plant is used as decoration. 15.a bird is often seen at christmas. 16. the person gave birth to jesus. 1.the night santa comes. 2. a figure is buillt from snow. 5. the animals pull santa’s sleigh. 7.a round decoration is hung on doors. 9. instruments are rung at christmas. 11. traditional songs are sung at christmas. 13. a word means happy or slightly drunk.

Рожочек11 Рожочек11    3   05.10.2019 19:00    32

serpgo1 serpgo1  09.10.2020 22:15

2. A form of transport which___ is ridden in the snow. 3. A plant ___which___ people kiss under. 4. A sweet, spicy biscuit ___which___ is used to make men and houses. 6.Something which___ is lit in church. 8. The place in Finland ___where___ Santa lives. 10.The small people ___who help Santa. 12. Another name which___ is used for Santa. 14.A plant which___ is used as decoration. 15.A bird __which is often seen at Christmas. 16. The person ___who___ gave birth to Jesus. 1.The night when Santa comes. 2. A figure which___ is buillt from snow. 5. The animals which pull Santa’s sleigh. 7.A round decoration which___ is hung on doors. 9. Instruments which___ are rung at Christmas. 11. Traditional songs ___which are sung at Christmas. 13. A word which means happy or slightly drunk.