1вариант переделайте в косвенную речь "i am trying to decide where to go on holiday " sarah said " send me a postcard from paris" carl said to jenny "how old is the eiffel tower? " a tourist asked 2 вариант "i spent last winter holidays travelling through europe" ted said "call the police immediately! " she said "what time does the train leave? " john asked

alexeytutkevicp09cxb alexeytutkevicp09cxb    3   23.09.2019 06:10    0

yesayes yesayes  21.08.2020 13:58
Sarah said she was trying to decide where to go on holiday.
Carl told Jenny to send him a postcard from Paris. 
A tourist asked how old the Eiffel Tower was.

Ted said he had spent last winter holidays travelling through Europe.
She said to call the police immidiately. 
John asked what time the train left. 
novichek5 novichek5  21.08.2020 13:58
Sarah said that she was trying to decide where to go on holiday
Carl said to Jenny to send him a postcard from Paris
A tourist asked how the eiffel tower is old
Ted said that he had spent last winter holidays travelling through Europe
She said to call the police immediately
John asked what time the train leaves
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