1перефразируйте словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж: например: the son of our manager — our manager's son 1) the house of mr. smith; 2) a doll of the girls; 3) the works of rembrandt; 4) a toy of the baby; 5) a meeting of the employees; 6) the bags of those women; 7) the orders of our boss; 8) the books of the children; 9) the cottage of my parents; 10) a garage of her cousin. 2 переведите на язык а) 1. комната моего друга. 2. комнаты моего друга. 3. комната моих друзей. 4. комнаты моих друзей. 5. сын этого инженера. 6. инженеры нашего завода. 7. дочь нашего преподавателя. 8. диктант того студента. 9. письма ваших . 10. слова седьмого урока. 11. дети этих людей. 12. друг марии. 13. письмо петра. 3 перефразируйте словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж: например: the son of our manager — our manager's son 1) the mother of kate and mary; 2) the children of my aunt ann; 3) the paintings by picasso and dali; 4) the gun of the commander-in-chief; 5) the times of ivan the terrible; 6) the speech of the minister of foreign trade; 7) the correspondent of the herald tribune; 8) a flat of my father-in-law; 9) the wives of henry the eighth; 10) oil wells of saudi arabia.

verymam verymam    1   17.07.2019 15:20    9

Leonova23 Leonova23  21.09.2020 18:23
1) Mr. Smith's house; 
2) the girls' doll;
3) Rembrandt's works; 
4) the baby's toy; 
5) the employees' meeting; 
6) those women's bags; 
7) our boss's orders; 
8) the children's books; 
9) my parents'cottage; 
10)her cousin's garage.

Упр. 2
1. My friend's room. 2. My friend's rooms. 3. My friends' room. 4. My friends' rooms. 5. This engineer's son. 6. Our factory's engineers. 7. Our teacher's daughter. 8. Those student's dictation. 9.Your economists' letters. 10. The seventh lesson's words. 11. These people's children. 12. Mary's friend. 13. Peter's letter. 

Упр. 3
1) Kate and Mary's mother
2) My aunt Mary's children
3) Picasso and Dali's paintings
4) the commander-in-chief's gun 
5) Ivan the Terrible's times (здесь не уверен)
6) The Minister of Foreign Trade's speech
7) The Herald Tribune's correspondent
8) my father's-in-law flat
9) Henry the Eighth's wives
10) Saudi Arabia's oil wells
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