1gloria last week? a. have you seen b. did you see c. were you seeing 2. she is an old friend -1.her years. a. have known, for b. know, for c. have known, since d. know, since 3. we met when we. in france. a. studied b. were studyingc. had studied 4. look! the hen an egg. a has laid b. has lain c, lied 5. as soon as she came in i knew. her before. a. have seen b. saw c, had seen 6. although they ..married for two years, they didn't tell their parents about it. a. had been b. were d. have been 7. saran looked tired in the morning because she badly. a. had slept b. slept c. was sleeping 8. she has the ugliest dog i a. have ever seen b, have seen c. have ever saw 9. you may take this textbook. i. the exercise already. a. have done b. had done c. am doing 10. i left school and then i remembered that i. my schoolbag in class. a. was leaving b. had left c. have left 11. while i., i met my friend. a. had walked b. was walking c. walked 12. after john enters the university, he. history of architecture for more than two years. a. will study b. study c studies 13. this magazine is so interesting! i. reading it by 6 o'clock. a. finished b. will finish c. will have finished 14. after they the recipe, they cooked their meal. a. cooked b. had cooked c. have cooked 15. what at 7 o'clock tomorrow? a. will you do b. will you be doing c. have you done d. do you do 16. by the time reached our destination, it. dark a. had been becoming b. has already become c. had already become d. was become 17. i couldn't find that house as l there only once. a, have been b. was c. had been d. was being 18. where's melanie? - she out to see her boyfriend. 1. a. have just gone b. has just gone c. just gone d. just went 19. what's that noise? - 1 anything. a. am not listening b. am not hearing c. can't hear d. can't listen 20. i'm afraid i didn't hear the doorbell when you rang. i in the garden at the time. a. worked b. have worked c. was working d. have been working

dizendorfsergei007 dizendorfsergei007    1   20.12.2019 10:35    292

DirolFix DirolFix  07.01.2024 15:04
1. did you see - Вопрос задается относительно прошлой недели, поэтому используется форма прошедшего времени did.
2. have known, since - Дружим с ней уже долгое время, поэтому используется Present Perfect.
3. were studying - Мы встретились когда учились во Франции, поэтому используется Past Continuous.
4. has laid - "славит" одновременно с настоящим временем (текущее значение), поэтому используется Present Perfect.
5. saw - Фраза "I knew her before" относится к моменту, когда она вошла, и это уже прошедшее время, поэтому используется Past Simple.
6. have been - Они были женаты несколько лет, так что они испытывали состояние женатости перед определенным моментом в прошлом, поэтому используется Past Perfect Continuous.
7. had slept - Если она выглядела уставшей утром, это означает, что она спала ранее, поэтому используется Past Perfect.
8. have ever seen - "I have ever seen" указывает на определенный момент в моей жизни и используется Present Perfect.
9. have done - Фраза "I have done the exercise already" означает, что я уже выполнил это ранее, поэтому используется Present Perfect.
10. had left - Он вспомнил, что он забыл свою сумку в классе после того, как он уже ушел из школы. Поэтому используется Past Perfect.
11. was walking - "I met my friend" произошло во время моей прогулки, поэтому используется Past Continuous.
12. will study - "After John enters the university, he will study history of architecture for more than two years" указывает на будущее время.
13. will have finished - "I will have finished reading it by 6 o'clock" указывает на завершение чтения к определенному будущему времени.
14. had cooked - "After they had read the recipe, they cooked their meal" указывает на событие, которое произошло перед другим событием в прошлом.
15. will you be doing - "What will you be doing at 7 o'clock tomorrow?" указывает на действие, которое будет происходить в определенное будущее время.
16. had already become - "By the time we reached our destination, it had already become dark" указывает на событие, которое произошло до другого события в прошлом.
17. had been - "I couldn't find that house as I had only been there once" указывает на действие, которое происходило до другого действия в прошлом.
18. has just gone - "Where's Melanie? - She has just gone out to see her boyfriend" указывает на действие, которое только что произошло в прошлом.
19. can't hear - "I can't hear anything" указывает на текущую ситуацию, что я не слышу ничего в данный момент.
20. was working - "I didn't hear the doorbell when you rang, I was working in the garden at the time" указывает на действие, которое происходило в прошлом в определенное время.
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