1b. Work in pairs. Find the words in the text. Guess the meaning. Check in the Wordiist necessary
pre, creste, astronomer rem, hying, master
her sy was born in 1441. His rem2 coffrey Chauce we around
namelizomiddin Mir Alisher Alisher Navo
was a greal poet, statesman and the founder
1340 1344, in London. He was an Eng
- Ubat Berature Alisher Navol gol a very
hon pot during the longes He is the
good education for those days. He was the
Father of Engin poetry and the first to
first who wrote in old Urbek language under
be placed at Pools Comer in Westen
the penname of Navos He used Persian very
ster Abbey Chaucer was a famous as
h. His penname was Pom in his poems
an author philosopher and astronomer
which were written in the Persian language
He was the first who introduced royal
His last book, "Mahbub al gulub", vichas
rhyming in the poem soin the Trojan
written in prose, is to very popular with
War He wrote and developed Old Engah
at the time when French and Latin were
the Uzbek people. His works have become used in terature in England. Today he
famous in the world bterature and a lot of is best known for his story masterpiece
them were translated into many languages The Canterbury Tales
(3) Abdulla Kodini, an Uzbek playwright, poet, writer and 4
literary translator, was born in 1894, Kodiri was one of
the most important Uzbek writers of the 20th century author who were 37 pm
who introduced realism into Uzbek Merature through his many rooms
historical novels. He spoke Uzbek, Arabic, Persian and is time isposa
Hussien. Kodini's most famous works are the historical 6 performed today. He
novels "O'tkan kunlar" (Days Gone By) (1922) and "Meh-
robdan chayon" (Scorpion in the Pulpit) (1929) "O'tkan There are one wage
kunlar" is the first full-length novel by an Uzbek author
10 Work in pairs. Read and find who
1) was the founder of Urbek national literature
2) was a poet and a statesman
3) wrote histories, tragedies and comedies
4) used various pennames
5) spoke Arabic, Persian and Russian
6) created over 1.700 new words and phrases
7) Introduced a new kind of rhyming in poems
Complete the sentences in the chart.
rent Simple passive
dies and comode. These
plays are among the best
masterpieces now in Eng
terature, and we tudi
ed in schools around the
world. Shakespeare created
over 1.700 English words
and phrases that entered the
English language and made some words more popular.