19. bb16epu otbet ha bonpoc:
what programmes are good for children?
a) programmes that may have cruel scenes.
b) not all the programmes
c) some programmes that parents like
20. какое предложение выражает главную мысль текста;
a) not all the programmes that children watch are good for them.
b) young children should watch television with their parents.
c) maybe it is better for children to watch too much television.
21. onpegeju 103huno altopa rekta:
a) there is an aggression every where.
b) children copy what they see.
c) watching too much television is bad for children.
22. 3akoh4n npeqjokehne, uchodb3ys tekct:
one thing is clear:
a) children watch tv 4 or 5 hours every day,​

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