№ 18 He is one of the … … criminals in the world.
A) most dangerous;
B) much dangerous;
C) more dangerous;
D) little dangerous;
E) dangerous.

№ 19
Nevsky Prospect is…. …. …. than our street.
A) more much beautiful;
B) much more beautiful;
C) as more beautiful;
D) so much beautiful;
E) such as beautiful.

№ 20
Our house is not … … … yours.
A) so big as;
B) as big so;
C) such big as;
D) such big so;
E) as big as.

№ 21
That is the …. story I have ever heard.
A) funnier;
B) funniest;
C) the funniest;
D) funny;
E) more funnier.

№ 22
The tram system is not … …. .. it is used to be.
A) so reliable as;
B) such reliable as;
C) as reliable as;
D) more reliable than;
E) so reliable so.

№ 23
What is your weight? You are … than me.
A) taller;
B) tallest;
C) tall;
D) more taller;
E) the tallest.

№ 24 She felt as … … her brother.
A) so strong as;
B) strong as;
C) so strong so;
D) more strong than;
E) much stronger than.

№ 25
He was… than I.
A) good;
B) best
C) well;
D) better;
E) worst.

Heh6 Heh6    2   22.10.2020 11:15    5

vika271204 vika271204  21.11.2020 11:17

18) A

19) B

20) E

21) B

22) A

23) A

24) B


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