16. The theory of law on the theory of natural law of 16th century.
a) is based
b) based
c) are based
d) is basing
17. Many laws and legal principles that originated eight centuries ago in England and Wales.
a) is retaining
b) has retained
c) have been retained
d) are retained
18. All evidence by the investigator now.
a) is being examined
b) examined
c) is examining
d) examines
19. He to 18 month in prison for careless driving.
a) are sentenced
b) sentenced
c) was sentenced
d) is being sentenced
20. The civil law the law of contract and family law.
a) includes
b) is included
c) include
d) including
21. A statement in Parliament tomorrow.
a) will has been made
b) is made
c) will be made
d) made
22. Human beings always together under rules of one kind or another.
a) have lived
b) were living
c) live
d) had lived
23. laws we have in force at any particular time reflect our thoughts as people centuries ago?
a) Are
b) Do
c) Does
d) Have
24. Why any existing society need law?
a) Do
b) Does
c) Is
d) Has
25. The rules are usually influenced by nature, customs, secular believes, ?
a) do they?
b) are they?
c) aren’t they?
d) Did they