15 предложений по в настоящем, будущем

5432881 5432881    1   23.08.2019 02:00    1

SofiCat5 SofiCat5  23.08.2019 02:00
T1) i don't like history, because i think, that it's very boring and tedious. 2) the earth goes round the sun. 3) at the moment, she is doing her homework. 4) my father likes animals, especially dogs and cats. 5) i study foreign languages, because it's very necessary for my future life. 6) i didn't understand this question. 7) my mother didn't like math and physics at school. 8) when you called i was taking a shower. 9) in the morning our elevator wasn't working. 10) i  had been waiting  for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay. 11) i will go to france next summer. 12) we will return in six hours. 13) at 6 i  won't be sleeping  yet. 14) will you  have read all these books by the exam time? 15) sara will have been living in kenya for six year next september.
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