14. my parents have never been in north america. . a so have janie's parents b neither haven't janie's parents c neither janie's parents have d neither have janie's parents 15. i didn't know if this question until the manager . a was discussed, would arrive b would be discussed, arrived c would discuss, arrived d would be discussed, didn't arrive 19. you will have to wait a little. you only next monday. a will have your jeans shortening b shall shorten your jeans c have your jeans shortened d will have your jeans shortened 21. he was asked how many fan letters every week. a he got b he had got c did he get d had he got 23. my husband has been unemployed for 5 months already. he tried to find a job but he had no luck. a hardly b so hardly c hard d such hard 24. when the patient was taken to hospital last night he by the doctor for 50 minutes. a was examined b was examining c had been examined d had been examining 25. we over five hundred miles by the time we get there. a will drive b have driven c will have driven d are driving 26. who people over there? a this is b is that c these are d are those 27, tell everyone i'll wait for their luggage here, ? a shall i b shan't i c will you d won't you 28. the workers stood in a line and handed heavy bricks to a ones another b each others c other one d each other 29. i want a new pair of jeans, but i haven't got enough money. a buy b to buy c buying d bought

Bog5635545 Bog5635545    3   22.07.2019 22:20    1

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