14. give the plural forms of the following nouns if possible. child, window. technology, country, door, brother ,man ,foot,mouse, news, milk, food, information, woman, meal, box, goose, duck, money,body, wife, knife, spoon, ingredient, engineer,newspaper, mother-in-law, family,job, equipment, development ,potato, tomato, lemon, shop, tooth, shelf ,type, rose, watch.

Евгений112576 Евгений112576    1   04.08.2019 20:20    1

Амира573 Амира573  03.10.2020 22:28
Children, windows, technologies, countries, doors, brothers, men, feet, mice, news, milk, food, information, women, meals, boxes, geese, ducks, money, bodies, wives, knives, spoons, ingredients, engineers, newspapers, mothers in law, families, jobs, equipment, developments, potatoes, tomatoes, lemons, shops, teeth, shelves, types, roses, watches.
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