13. Прочтите тексты и озаглавьте их. Вы¬. 1. It is well known that the quick development of electron¬ics began with the invention of transistors. They replaced elec¬tronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the main advantages of the transistors in comparison with the vacuum tube is absence of filament power loss. One of the principal causes of damages in electronic circuitry is high temperature. The heat causes breakdown of tubes and other circuit elements that are very sensitive to this influence. The transistor, on the other hand, does not heat its surroundings. Another advantage of the transistor is its long life. The life of the average transistor is more than ten thousand operating hours. Because of its long lifetime and raggedness, the transis¬tor is very reliable and has much better efficiency in professional equipment. 2. As we know, transistors replaced electronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the advantages of the tran¬sistor is its small dimensions. Because of their small size, the absence of heating and other properties, transistors make it pos¬sible to produce compact, small-dimensioned electronic devices which consume very little power. In conclusion it is important to note that transistors revolu¬tionized many fields of technology. They are successfully used for direct transformation of heat energy by means of thermal elements. They are also used to convert radiant energy into elec¬tricity with the help of photocells or solar batteries. Light sources and lasers are built on the basis of transistors. They find wide application in computers, automatic devices, aviation, commu¬nication, etc.

Песатель Песатель    2   15.02.2021 23:19    226

Jamilya28 Jamilya28  23.12.2023 08:08
1. Заголовок: "Преимущества транзисторов перед электронными трубками"
2. Заголовок: "Транзисторы и их важность в технологии"
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