11. They (stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager

(tell) them that there were no more tickets.

12. Alan (be) in the car accident yesterday. The other driver

(lose) control of his car because he (fall) asleep.

13. She (not see) her father since he (start) to work in

Marseille two years ago.

14. I (sleep) when the fire broke out.

15. Linda phoned and explained that she (not can) to come to the party

the next day because she (be) still sick.

16. I (just see) the film “The Da Vinci Code”. –

(you see) it too? – No, I (not have) but I (read) the


17. My sister (fly) home from London today. Her flight

(arrive) in an hour so I (leave) for the airport right now to get there in time.

18. Unless he (sell) more he won’t get much money.

19. While he (wait) for the bus there (be) a robbery at

the bank. After the robbers (go) away the police

(come) but they (not can) to catch them.

20. I (use) to ski when I was at the university but I

(break) a leg five years ago and since then I (not ski) any more.

vmse90 vmse90    2   22.04.2020 19:46    3

gshshagag gshshagag  13.10.2020 17:19


11) have been standing,told


13)hasn't seen,started

14)have been sleeping

15)can not,is

16)have just seen,Have you seen,haven't,read

17)flying,is arriving,need to leave


19)has been waiting,had been,had gone,came,could not

20)used to ski,broke,haven't ski

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