11. составьте средложения в отрицательную форму i the weather was bad last month. 2 the pilor siood on the bridge at the helin 3 the cargo ship lgarka will finish loading on tuesday 4. they uld continue their voyage after repairing the main 5 our ship anchored near the lighthouse. і? . 31: 1йте вопросы квыделенным словам, i we moured at the western berth 2.11 ofen rains in autuma. 3. next vear he'll be a navigator 4. there are four departments at our college. 5. we can translate this text without a dictionary iv поставьте следующие предло ия в пaccивный залог 1 our chief engineer occupies this cabin, 2. the dockers will complete loading in an hour 3.our plant matus ihese diesel engines. 4 we took ou books at our library 5 the underground connects the far off parts of the city