100 in ancient rome there lived a poor slave who 1)(call)androclus.he had a very bad master and one day androclus 2)(run)away.from many days he 3)(hide)in the forest without any food.he 4)(be going)5)(die)as he 6)(not eat) anything for a long time.he 7)(find) a cave,8)(lie) on the groung and
9)(fall) asleep.but soon he 10)(wake up) by a ioud noise.to his horror androclus 11)(see) a dig lion 12)(come) into the cave.the next moment androclus 13)(understand) that something 14)(happen) to the lion`s foot.he 15)(can) hardly 16)(move)the slave 17)(raise)the lions paw and 18)(see) a big thotn
in it. he 19)(pull) it out and the lion 20)(jump) with joy.they 21)(become) good friends and lived in the cave for a long time.  but one day androclus 22)(catch).there was a law in rome that every slave who 23)(run) from his master 24)(have to) fight with a hungry lion.so  androclus 25)(
bring) to the arena where a lot of people 26)(sit) soon a hungry lion 27)(let in). androclus 28)(give) a cry but it was not a cry of feat but of joy as he 29)(recognize) his old friend whom he 30)(meet) in the cave.the lion jumped at androclus and 31)9begin)32)(lick) his face and hands.all the
people 33)( be surprised) and 34)(want) the slave 35)(explain) it.  and after he 36)(do) it they all 37)(cry)38)(give) them freedom and 39)(let) them 40)(live) together again!   so the two friends 41)(get) their freedom and 42)(live) happily together for many years to came​

janneellz janneellz    3   08.10.2019 13:10    318

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