10. We (write) an essay in French about freedom of speech.
11. I (do ) the housework last weekend because Mum (not/be) home , so I
(want) to help Dad.
12. My neighbours (play) basketball with us in the square.
13. Sally- (listen) to Cold Play ‘s latest album when she (be) at her friend’s last
14. Bob (buy) tickets for Sting’s concert and (give) one to me three days ago.
15. The Chinese (build) the Wall many centuries ago.
16. Charles Dickens (write) « Oliver Twist » and many other books.
17. Abraham Lincoln (abolish) slavery in 1863.
18. My friends (watch ) plenty of new videos last weekend.
19. Steve (book) a hotel for his summer holidays last week !
20. William the Conqueror (invade) England and he (become) King there, he
(have) the Tower of London built, and people (speak) French at the royal court at
that time.
21. Sandy (take) part in « America’s got Talent » and she (win).
22. My grandparents (travel) a lot when they (be) young, and (visit) many
foreign countries.
23. My aunt (teach) me how to knit last winter holidays .
24. The inhabitants of Berlin (destroy) the wall that ( separate) the town in 1989.
25. I (be ) there, and it (be ) a moving experience, because many people
(cry) as they (get) reunited!
26. Jenny (plant ) some trees in her garden last weekend.
27. Dave (miss) his bus this morning so he (run) all the way to work.
28. Sue (sing) very well at the school show in June.
29. Some kids (break) our wondows as they (be) playing football in the street two hours
30. Sam (lose) his wallet yesterday.

Артемка0610 Артемка0610    3   02.02.2021 06:37    2

Luba0111 Luba0111  04.03.2021 07:39
1) invited
2) went
3) spent
4) ate
5) cut
6) celebrated
7) read
8) rained
9) forgot/ had
10) wrote
11) did/ wasn’t/ wanted
12) played
13) listened / was
14) bought/ gave
15) built
16) wrote
17) abolished
18) watched
19) booked
20) invaded/ became/ had/ spoke
21) took/ won
22) traveled/ were/ visited
23) taught
24)destroyed: separated
25) was/ was/ cried / got
26) planted
27) missed/ ran
28) sung
29) broke/ were
30) lost
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