Use of English
Complete the text with the appropriate words.
Wingsuit flying is similar (a)
But people wear special suits with three arm and leg
wings. (b)
help them to fly through the air at
speed. Wingsuiters start from a mountain, or a plane and
they land with the help of a parachute attached to their
suit. It is a popular sport in many countries, but different
rules have to (c) ... followed.
The suits, (d)
are sometimes called
'birdman suits', can really slow the user's fall. A normal
skydiver falls at 200 km/h, (e)
is dangerously
fast. However, in a wingsuit this (1)
slowed down to around 65 km/h. Although the suit
slows the diver down, it is still the body which controls
a diver's speed, direction and angle, but this takes years
skill and practice. A skilled wingsuiter
can then learn (h)
navigate down from
a jump close to rocks, 0)
an unskilled
wingsuiter would be in extreme danger.
People usually take (1)
skydiving first and
move on to wingsuit flying. Nowadays.
the technology is good, but many are worried that
beginners are taking too many risks. Experts recommend
that wingsuiters complete at least 200 skydives
trying this sport, and that they begin
wingsuit Jumping from extremely safe places.​

NeoBest1 NeoBest1    3   22.04.2020 13:58    17

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