10 Read the information about the people
and make sentences, as in the example.
S1: Alex is a photographer. S2: He works from 9 to 5.

• Alex, photographer
• work from 9 to 5
have lunch at studio
work outdoors at the
• fly to Milan on Saturday
• Philip, teacher
• work from 9 to 6
• have lunch at school
• practise a new play with
students at the moment
• get married next month​

panda312 panda312    3   21.10.2020 22:33    202

РОДЯ45 РОДЯ45  18.01.2024 14:55
S1: Alex is a photographer. [Олекс - фотограф]
S2: He works from 9 to 5. [Він працює з 9 до 5]

Now let's gather the information about Alex and construct sentences based on the given prompts.

1. Alex, photographer [Олекс, фотограф]
2. work from 9 to 5 [працює з 9 до 5]
3. have lunch at studio [обідає в студії]
4. work outdoors at the moment [зараз працює на вулиці]
5. fly to Milan on Saturday [у суботу полетить в Мілан]

Combining the sentences:

1. Alex is a photographer and he works from 9 to 5. [Олекс - фотограф, він працює з 9 до 5]
2. During work hours, he has lunch at the studio. [В робочі години він обідає в студії]
3. Currently, he is working outdoors. [Зараз він працює на вулиці]
4. He will fly to Milan on Saturday. [У суботу він полетить в Мілан]

Now let's move on to the information about Philip, the teacher.

1. Philip, teacher [Філіп, вчитель]
2. work from 9 to 6 [працює з 9 до 6]
3. have lunch at school [обідає в школі]
4. practise a new play with students at the moment [зараз він вправляє нову п'єсу з учнями]
5. get married next month [наступного місяця він одружиться]

Combining the sentences:

1. Philip is a teacher and he works from 9 to 6. [Філіп - вчитель, він працює з 9 до 6]
2. During the school day, he has lunch at school. [Протягом шкільного дня він обідає в школі]
3. Currently, he is practicing a new play with his students. [Зараз він вправляє нову п'єсу з учнями]
4. Philip is going to get married next month. [Філіп одружиться наступного місяця]

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
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