10 предложений о моём хобби. (коллекционирование монет)

Isabekov1 Isabekov1    1   30.09.2019 09:10    4

Артём1228777 Артём1228777  09.10.2020 05:07
My favourite hobby is coin and currency collection. It is also called NUMISMATICS. It is also one of the oldest hobbies of the world and is also called ‘hobby of the Kings’, as in the old times, it was only done by kings and elite class of the society. It started for me some years back when my father used to come back from his foreign tours and give me coins of different countries. I started collecting them in my money box and after that I always used to wait for my new coins as much I used to wait for my father. Since then, it has become my favourite hobby. This hobby has given me information about different countries of the world. I have got to know about important personalities of the different countries.
iraromanova2002 iraromanova2002  09.10.2020 05:07
1.Коллекционирование монет - называется нумизматикой.
2.Слово нумизматика происходит от латинского numismatis.
3.Нумизматика-это не только интересное хобби , но и восстановить исторические пробелы.
4.Нумизматику принято относить к одной из "вс исторических дисциплин".
5.Сам Пётр 1 был нумизматом.
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