10.5.2 Fill in: biosphere, fertility, venture, rely
on, motivation, prior, technique, hypothesis,
free radicals.
1 The large Hadron Collider was invented to test
the of the Big Bang Theory.
2 Telomerase is an enzyme that can increase the
of mice.
3 Some scientists believe in the existence of
another universe to this one.
4 Some scientists believe damage
our cells and cause aging.
5 Researchers are developing a
for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease.
6 The first creatures to onto
land from the sea did so about 500 million
years ago
7 Many people like the idea of exercise, but lack
to actually do any.
8 All life on Earth exists in the
9 Math skills logic as well
as language to represent large numbers.
1 hypothesis
3 prior
4free radicals
5 technique
6 venture
7 motivation
8 biosphere
9 rely on