*10*10 10:60 2 l 91% Этот документ содержит рукописны... Speaking Task 1. Choose the question from the card on the topic "Entertainment and Media" and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. Produce a speech by giving extended answers to the questions. Share your ideas with the class. Teacher organizes a Socratic seminar, which helps him/her to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic 'Entertainment and Media and he/she prepares and cuts down questions and expressions beforehand. Learners sit in a circle and answer the question using in their speech some formal and informal expressions to present logically connected information to their classmates. Stating an opinion The way I see it If you want my honest opinion As far as I'm concerned If you ask me In my opinion Expressing agreement You have a point there That's exactly how I feel I was just going to say that I have to side with somebody (name)on this one That's for sure These are some Socratic Seminar Ground Rules: 1. Speak so that all students can hear you. 2. Ask for clarification. Don't stay confused. 3. Speak without raising hands. 4. Stick to the point under discussion. 5. Don't interrupt. 6. Don't put down the ideas of another learner. Card 1 • What is one of your favourite TV shows? Why do you like i * t ^ 2 When is it on TV^ prime • Do you think that TV makes people lazy? Why? Give examples. • What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine? With the popularity of the Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear? Card 2 • What is your favourite video/computer game? • Are video games good or bad for your health? Why do you say so? • How can you help someone who is addicted to computer/ video games? Card 3 • Are teenagers addicted to computer ga • How many genres of video games can you rame? • Do video/computer games improve our skills and abilities? Card 4 . What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV? Expressing disagreement That's not always the case I'd say the exact opposite N_{0} , I'm not so sure about that I beg to differ Not necessarily Interrupting Sorry to interrupt, but... If I might add something Is it okay if I jump in for a second? Can I add something here? Can I throw my two cents in?

*10*10 10:60 2 l 91% Этот документ содержит рукописны... Speaking Task 1. Choose the question from t

loveinyourhard loveinyourhard    2   26.11.2021 07:39    23

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