1. заполните пропуски в предложении. many books by this writer are … in russia. выберите один ответ: known to be publishing known to publish known to be published known published 2. these text-books are … many advantages. выберите один ответ: supposed have supposed had supposed to have supposed having 3. this work was … easy. выберите один ответ: thought be thought being thought been thought to be 4. this man was … a talented actor. выберите один ответ: known been known to be known be known being 5. a car was … outside. выберите один ответ: heard to stop heard stopping heard stopped heard stop 6. ann is … a good student. выберите один ответ: said be said to be said being said been 7. tom is … very well. выберите один ответ: known to study known studying known study known to studies 8. these exercises … very difficult. выберите один ответ: considered to be are considered being are considered be are considered to be 9. this village is … in russia. выберите один ответ: known to situate situated known known to be situated known to be situating 10. nick … there in winter last year. выберите один ответ: happened to be happened be happens to be happened to being 11. these students are … in four years. выберите один ответ: supposed graduate supposed graduating supposed to graduate supposed to be graduated 12. the sun is … a mass of compressed gases. выберите один ответ: known to be represented known represented known to represent known represents 13. this test … well. выберите один ответ: is believed to have been written is believed to write is believed to have written is believed writing 14. it is said … film of the month. выберите один ответ: be the best being the best to be best to be the best 15. this project was … out by that student. выберите один ответ: known to have been worked known worked known to work known to have worked 16. the children of such an age … very active. выберите один ответ: were said be are said been are said to be have been said being 17. the child was … out crying. выберите один ответ: seen to burst seen burst seen bursting been seen to burst 18. tom did not know what he was … . выберите один ответ: expected to said expected saying expected to say expected say 19. nick is … on monday. выберите один ответ: expecting arrive expected arrive expected arrived expected to arrive 20. those students were … hard. выберите один ответ: said worked said to work said to worked saying to work 21. a new book by this writer is … soon. выберите один ответ: expected to publish expected to be publishing expected published expected to be published 22. his works are … of great importance. выберите один ответ: considered to be considered be considered being considered been 23. tom … in london but he came back. выберите один ответ: will be supposed to have stayed is supposed staying was supposed to have stayed was supposed stay 24. he was said … one of the best scientists. выберите один ответ: being in being to be be 25. the new machine is … into operation next year. выберите один ответ: reported to go reported going reported go reported gone

MrCapuchino MrCapuchino    3   25.08.2019 04:00    1

cefevupi cefevupi  14.08.2020 19:54

Many books by this writer are known to be published

… in Russia.

2. These text-books are supposed to have

… many advantages.

3. This work was thought to be

… easy.

4. This man was known to be

… a talented actor.

5. A car was heard to stop

… outside.

6. Ann is said to be

… a good student.

7. Tom is known to study

… very well.

8. These exercises are considered to be… very difficult.

9. This village is known to be situated

… in Russia.

10. Nick happened to be

… there in winter last year.

11. These students are supposed to graduate

… in four years.

12. The sun is known to represent

… a mass of compressed gases.

13. This test is believed to have been written … well.

14. It is said to be the best

… film of the month.

15. This project was known to have been worked

… out by that student.

16. The children of such an age are said to be

… very active.

17. The child was seen to burst

… out crying.

18. Tom did not know what he was expected to say

19. Nick is expected to arrive … on Monday.

20. Those students were said to work

… hard.

21. A new book by this writer is expected to be published

… soon.

22. His works are considered to be … of great importance.

23. Tom was supposed to have stayed

… in London but he came back.

24. He was said … to be

 one of the best scientists.

25. The new machine is reported to go

… into operation next year.

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