1. заполните пропуски артиклем the (если необходимо). my journey took me across atlantic ocean from europe to south america. i travelled through amazon rainforest and down through the interior of brazil. from there i headed north again, through bolivia, round lake titikaka. then i crosses andes and finally arrived in lima. 2. правда или ложь? поставьте f (false) или t (true) возле каждого из следующих утверждений, связанных с погодными условиями. 1. a shower is a gentle breeze. 2. a spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm. 3. if it is humid, the air will be very dry. 4. below zero, water turns to ice. 5. heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.

unikornio unikornio    3   01.08.2019 21:40    99

viktorey viktorey  01.08.2019 21:40
My journey took me across atlantic ocean from europe to south america. i travelled through amazon rainforest and down through the interior of brazil. from there i headed north again, through bolivia, round lake titikaka. then i crosses andes and finally arrived in lima.
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