1. Замените слова в скобках личными местоимениями.
1) (Ann) is a doctor.
a) he
b) she
c) her
d) you
2) (The teacher) always helps pupils to translate texts.
а) he
b) І
c) they
3) The boy gives (the book) to his friend.
a) its
b) she
c) them
d) it
4) Mother often sends (John) to buy milk.
a) he
b) him
d) it
5) My grandmother usually gives (my sister and me) many presents.
a) they
b) we
c) us
2. Переведите выделенные местоимения.
1) Вы сообщили ИМ эту новость?
a) they
b) we
c) them
d) us
2) Отдай ЕМУ его ручку.
a) he
b) his
c) him
d) her
3) ЕГО ручка всегда с ним.
a) his
b) him
c) he
d) her
4) Он любит писать только ЕЮ.
2 (a)
3 (d)
4 (b)
5 (c)