1.Закончите предложения, используя данные ниже слова, при необходимости меняя их грамматическую форму. To provide, to refer, strong, to invent, to be, to run, to transfer, to charge, to use, liquid, to coat. 1. The first battery … in 1800 by Alessandro Volta. 2. Near the end of the 19th century, the invention of dry cell batteries, which replaced … electrolyte with a paste, made portable electrical devices practical. 3. In the modern sense of the term, a battery is a device that … a current by means of an electrochemical reaction, wherein electrons … from one chemical to another. 4. However, the original usage of the term not to an electrochemical cell but to a set of linked Leyden jars, which, in the 18th century were used by scientists as a means of storing charge. 5. Leyden jars … the first capacitors, and basically consisted of a glass jar whose inner and outer surfaces with metal foil, and had an … electrode through its center. 6. They could … with a static generator, and … by touching a conductor to its electrode. 7. Scientists could obtain … discharges by linking the electrodes of multiple jars together. 8. It was Benjamin Franklin who, in 1748, first … the word "battery" to describe a similar assembly of glass plates with lead sheets pasted on either surface. 2. Выберите из предложенных определений одно, наиболее точно отражающее значение выделенного слова, в каждом из следующих предложений: 1. Batteries as continuous sources of electrical energy are the result of a long series of experiments which started with the discoveries of Alessandro Volta more than one hundred years ago. a) the point or place from which something originates; b) any person, book, organization, etc., from which information, evidence, etc., is obtained; c) the electrode region in a field-effect transistor from which majority carriers flow into the inter electrode conductivity channel; 2. Today battery cells are manufactured in two common forms, dry cells being used in flash lights, portable radios, etc. a) a small simple room, as in a prison, convent, monastery, or asylum; b) a device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy, usually consisting of a container with two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte; 3. The difference of potential between the terminals of every dry cell, regardless of size, is approximately 1.5 volts. a) the state or quality of being unlike; b) a disagreement or argument; c) a degree of distinctness, as between two people or things; 4. The difference of potential between the terminals of any dry or wet cell depends in principle upon the particular chemicals used in its construction. a) exacting or difficult to please, esp. in details; b) of or belonging to a single or specific person, thing, category, etc., specific; 5. The negative terminal of a dry cell is the zinc metal container in which all chemical ingredients are sealed, whereas the positive terminal is a round carbon rod . a) a switch or bundle of switches used to administer corporal punishment; b) a metal shaft that transmits power in axial reciprocating motion; c) a slim cylinder of metal, wood, etc.;