1 Задание Напишите данные предложения еще раз, начав с

подлежащего, данного в скобках, и сделав все необходимые

6. Some people do nothing during their holidays.

(Eddie) 7. We finish the day's work at six o'clock, (the clerk) 8. Women like

to look at the shop windows, (my sister) 9. Some people paint their houses

every year, (my neighbours) 10. We sometimes forget people's names, (the

director) 11. I sit at the back of the class. (Matilda) 12. We make mistakes

sometimes, (a pupil) 13. Most of my friends play tennis, (my boyfriend)

14. I never wear a hat in the summer. (Grace) 15. Some people begin work

very early in the morning, (a postman)

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