1 You are right my personal point of view is that 1 matches h because I see words BLOOD and LOUD SCREAM.
Вы правы, моя личная точка зрения состоит в том, что 1 соответствует h,
потому что я вижу слова КРОВЬ и ГРОМКИЙ КРИК.
Дальше вам необходимо составить предложения самостоятельно, как
показано в примере.
2 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because I
see words
3 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words
4 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words
5 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words
6 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words
7 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words
8 You are right my personal point of view is that matches because
I see words

Reginmdms Reginmdms    1   02.03.2021 08:56    0

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