1. y-- c-n't m-k- -n –m-l-t w-th--t br--k-ng -ggs 2. wh- h-s n-v-r t-st-d b-tt-r, kn-ws n-t wh-t -s sw--t 3. th- pr--f -f th- p-dd-ng -s -n th- --t-ng 4. d-n't p-t -ll y--r -ggs -n -ne b-sk-t вставьте буквы, надо!

mrredrussiap06j9h mrredrussiap06j9h    3   19.05.2019 13:30    2

Latimel Latimel  12.06.2020 17:26

1) You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs

2) Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet

3) The  proof of  the pudding is in the  eating

4) Don't put all your eggs in one bascet

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