1.write full positive sentences (полные утвердительные предложения) in present perfect. don't use full stops, they are given.
1. the shark. (see)
2. a famous person. (meet)
3. sam a bike today. (ride)
2.read the situations and write sentences in present perfect. write only full verb forms in one line, separated by a comma. don't put the full stop after the last verb form.
example: has done, have been, has washed, have bought, has cleaned
1. mike is looking for his key. he can't find it. he (lose) it.
2. margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster. she (break) her leg.
3. maria's english wasn't very good. now it is much better. it (improve) .
4. last week the bus fare was 80 pence. now it is 90. it (go up)
5. this morning i was expecting a letter. now i have it. it (arrive) .4
3.write full negative sentences. don’t use short forms and full stops (they are given).
1. emma and sally have done gymnastics.
4.write general questions. don't use question marks (they are given):
1. you have looked at this slide.
2. they’ve attached a photo of their house.
3. they have done their homework.
2. they have watched a scary film.
3. i have pulled a muscle.
5.choose the correct variant:
has been workking
has been workinng
has been working
have been eating
have been eatting
have ben eating
has been playeing
has be playing
has been playing
6.choose the right negative form:
i have no been singing all day.
i haven’t been singing all day.
andrew hasn’t been cooking since monday.
andrew hasn’ been cooking since monday.
sally has been not washing her since morning.
sally has not been washing her since morning.
7.write the full verb form of present perfect continuous:
1. he
for his girlfriend since 6 o'clock. (wait)
2. max and paul
their bikes all day. (ride)
3. frank
for the last 20 minutes. (dream)
8.henry has been doing a lot of work for charities since the mid - nineties.
henry has being doing a lot of work for charities since the mid - nineties.
henry have been doing a lot of work for charities since the mid - nineties.
he hasn't been playing football since 5 years.
he hasn't been playing football for 5 years.
he has been not playing football for 5 years.
have they been talking to mary?
has they been talking to mary?
have they been talked to mary?
9.choose the right spelling of the word:
my reуlatives
my relatives
my reltives
10.choose the right variant.
1. тесть, свекор
mother in-law
2. отчим или мачеха
3. пасынок
11.choose the right answer.
1. i have a sister/brother. her name is anya.
2. my grandpa/granny makes delicious cakes. we love her cakes very much.
3. his sister/father can repair everything. he has magical hands.
4. helen is proud of her daughter/son because she gets excellent marks at school.
5. my name is paul. my uncle says i am the best niece/nephew in the world!
1. sister 2. granny 3. sister 4. son 5. nephew
1. sister 2. grandpa 3. father 4. daughter 5. niece
1. sister 2. granny 3. father 4. daughter 5. nephew