1.which phonetic stylistic device is based on repetition of consonant sounds
in successive words or syllables?
a) euphony
b) assonance
c) onomatopoeia
d) alliteration
what is this?
2.this is a combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds
produced in nature, by things, by people, by animals.
a) onomatopoeia
b) assonance
c) alliteration
d) euphony
3.all the phonetic stylistic devices and expressive means are usually created by
of the given text.
a) reader
b) painter
c) critic
d) author
4.what is a graphon?
a) graphical fixation of phonetic peculiarities of pronunciation which violate
the accepted norms of spelling
b) phonetic stylistic device and expressive means
c) grammatic stylistic device
d) the mark used to separate the items in a list or to shoe where is a slight
pause in a sentence
5.what is alliteration?
a) the selection and arrangement of words in a text
b) a combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced
in nature, by people
c) the repetition of consonant sounds in successive words or syllables
d) the repetition of vowels
what is this?
is a repetition of identical or similar sounds or sound
combinations at the end of successive lines.
a) rhythm
b) assonance
c) rhyme
d) alliteration
7.where does the emphatic use of punctuation and deliberate changes in the
spelling of a word belong?
a) phonetic stylistic devices and expressive means