1 When was Becky ill? 1 Read about Becky and answer the
2 Where did she go?
3 Was she scared about her operation?
4 How long did she stay in hospital after
her operation?
5 How did Becky say Thank you' to
Great Ormond Street?
2 Correct the sentences.
Becky went to Great Ormond Street
Hospital last month.
Becky went to Great Ormond Street
Hospital last year.
1 Becky had a very bad headache.
2 She needed some medicine.
3 After the operation, she watched
football and played tennis.
Hello! My name's Becky and I live in
London. Last year, I was very ill and I
went to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
The problem started at school. I had a
very bad stomach-ache. I spoke to the
teacher and she called my Mum. My
Mum came and took me home. Next day,
I went to the doctor's. The doctor said it
"was a serious problem. I needed an
A few weeks later, I went into hospital. I
was scared about the operation, but the
doctors and nurses were very nice to me.
After the operation, I stayed in hospital
for two weeks. I was in bed most of the
time, but I watched DVDs and played
computer games. I spoke to lots of the
other children. Now some of them are
my friends.
When I got better, I wanted to say "Thank
you' to Great Ormond Street. Last month,
our school had a book and games sale.
We got £546. All the money went to
Great Ormond Street,
4 Last month, Becky said "Hello to Great
Ormond Street
5 There was a competition at Becky's
3 Your school wants to help a charity.
Where can you get the money from?
Write a few ideas in your notebook.

romic123 romic123    1   17.12.2020 21:30    6

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