1. when attic, i found a bunch of old love letters. a. was tidying up b. tided up c. have tidied up d. has tidied up 2. ? - two hours ago. a. have you come b. did you come c. came you d. did you came. 3. i', not hungry. i a big breakfast. a. had just had b. was just having c. just had. have just had. 4. when i was a teenager i back home after 10 o'clock. a. didn't used to b. usedn't c. didn't use to d. didn't use 5. how often to the theatre& - twice or three a year. a. are you going b. do you go c. are you go d. do you going 6. i don't like . i've always hated it. a. the b. / c. a d. some 7. you've got . let me help you. a. many b. few c. little d. much 8. there's furniture in the room. have you noticed it? a. a b. the c. some d. any 9. better pilots than women. a. the men b. mens c. men d. mans 10. we had a lot of doubts, decided to start our own company. a. after b. evenrually c. as d. as soon as

умар53 умар53    2   03.07.2019 23:10    3

zzzzzzz03 zzzzzzz03  27.07.2020 19:18
1a 2b 3c 4c 5b 6b 7d 8c 9c 10a
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