1. What world-famous writers, inventors and poets did Britain give birth to?
2. Who is Joanne Rowling and what is she famous for?
3. What can you tell about Rowling in brief?
4. Have you read Harry Potter books or watched the films?
5. Which did you like more: books or films? Why (not)?
6. What can you tell about Sir Sean Connery?
7. Do you like this actor? What films have you seen with Sean Connery, if any?
8. Who is David Beckham and what is he famous for?
9. Have you ever watched a football match with Beckham playing?
10. What do you know about Robbie Williams? Do you like his songs? Why (not)?
11. Who is Andrew Lloyd Webber?
12. What are Webber's achievements?
13. Who is Margaret Thatcher and what do you know about her?
14. What are Thatcher's achievements?