1) what people usually borrow 2) how teachers and parents encourage small children 3) what can be private 4) why your holiday often depends on hotel and bus (train) service 5) where you can usually see crowds pf people in summer and in other seasons 6) when people usually retire from work 7) what were the most important politicak events in our country last year 8) how people can show their wisdom 9)which characters of your faxourite books spent their childhood in poverty 10) what people usually do to open a door
People borrow salt usually. Люди заимствуют соль.
2.Как учителя и родители поощерают детей?
They just praise kids. Они просто хвалят детей(я не уверен что правильно построил предложение)
3. Что может быть личным?
toothbrush, зубная шетка.
6. In fitness club.
8. They talking about them.
10. I don't know.