1. What kind of woman was Ruth Barlow? Was she really in love with Roger? Why did she make up her mind to marry him? Rood Barlow was an unhappy woman who had been divorced twice. Both marriages were unsuccessful. She was not in love with Roger, but he was attentive and well-groomed so she agreed to marry him. 2. Was Roger in love with Ruth? Was it a serious and a profound feeling? At the very beginning, Roger thought he was in love, but the feeling quickly passed. It was a passion not love. 3. What kind of man was Roger? How do his flat-chase tactics characterize him? How should he have behaved? Roger can be called a cowardly and insecure person. He should have explained himself honestly and said that he had fallen out of love instead he chose to run away. 4. Whose side do you take in the conflict: Ruth's or Roger's? In this conflict, I can understand Ruth. the Woman wanted to be happy, but Roger could not give her this happiness and she chose to find another person 5. Isn't there any¬thing to be said in Ruth's defence? Ruth wanted to be happy. 6. What is the social signifi¬cance of the story? There is no future in marriages that are originally arranged. People can't be together for a long time without feeling love 7. In what way does the story begin? Is the reader's interest awakened at once? If so, how does the author achieve it? At the very beginning of the story, Roger takes an interest in Ruth, who in turn allows him to court her and considers him a suitable man for marriage. At first glance, everything is predictable and when Roger loses interest, you might think that rufe will persuade him, instead she acts unpredictably by ignoring meetings and writing a letter about finding another man 8. What is gained by telling the story in the first person? From whose point of view is it told? Point out the passages reflecting the narrator's attitude, Roger's and the author's. Is the author detached in his attitude to Ruth? Prove your point. The author is more sympathetic to Ruth than to Roger. He says that she is never lucky either in choosing men or in other matters. The author in this description shows pity for her. And the fact that at the end of the story, he still makes it clear to Roger that Ruth has found the man who will take care of her also says that he feels sorry for Ruth 9. Is the plot an important feature of the story? Indicate briefly the stages by which the narrative is unfolded. The stages of this history can be divided into 5 stories, namely the story begins with the denouement of the story, when Roger runs away from sweetheart in the hope that she will soon forget it, then the story brings us back to that time when Roger only became interested in Ruth, but soon realizes that lost interest in her and doesn't want to marry, so under the pretext of finding the perfect home he's stalling and not marry, while Ruth does not understand what Roger just doesn't want to marry, then she detached herself from him and wrote Roger a letter saying, I found another person with whom be happy. 10. Does the story end as the reader expects? Point out passages aiming at suspense. The reader hopes that Rufus will be happy, but the story ends vaguely. On the one hand, she writes to Roger that she has found the man who will take care of her, but we do not believe RUF and we can guess that she said this to Roger out of resentment for not being honest with her for so long. 11. Is the title appropriate? Does it reflect the point of the story? I believe that the name reflects the story in part. After all, not only in the escape the main idea of the plot, but in the fact that people lie to each other and do not have the courage to admit their true feelings. Getting carried away quickly cool down, but do not find the courage to admit it and look for different excuses for their actions. (ответы на эти во

AlinaLove200413 AlinaLove200413    3   08.05.2020 15:21    213

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