1 What is Great Britain? 2 What seas is the UK washed by?
3 What is it separated by from the continent?
4 What are the main countries of the UK?
5 What are the capitals of the UK main countries?
6 How many people live in the UK?
7 What languages do the peoples of the UK speak apart from English?
8 What is the flag of the UK?
9 What are the symbols of the UK main countries?
10 Who is its Head of State?
11 Who is the Head of the government in the UK?
12 What are the' most important industries of the UK?
13 What are the largest cities of the UK?
14 What is the favourite topic of conversation in the UK?
15 What British traditional holidays can you name?

Лущік Лущік    1   30.10.2020 18:31    1

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