1 What film 1? (see) SP I can't remember. It wasn't very good. Hmm. Very interesting. And who to the cinema with? (go) SP With my girlfriend. the film? (like) SP Yes, she thought it was very good. What time the film (finish) SP At about 10.30. 1 And what after you left the cinema? (do) SP We went to a restaurant - La Dolce Vita on the High Street. 1 La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. What time the restaurant? (leave) SP At about 12.00. 1 That's very late. home after that? (go) SP No, we went to a nightclub - Flanagan's. Then we went home. 1 a taxi? (get) SP No, we got a bus. And what time to bed? (go) SP At about 4.00 a.m. Canl go home now? I'm tired. No, I'd like to ask you some more questions...