1. What counters are there in the Grocery situated in the street Natasha lives? 2. What products can be bought at each of the counters?
3. How often does Natasha go to the shop and to the market?
4. Why doesn't Natasha agree with one of her friends who insists that markets are outdated?
5. What is the Moscow Central Market like?
6. How does a Muscovite do marketing?
7. What can be bought in the "Meat" pavilion?
8. What vegetables do your shopping bags get stuffed with in the "Vegetables" pavilion?
9. What is offered in the "Milk" pavilion?
10. What pavilion cannot you help dropping in?
11. Why does Natasha say that market expeditions are not bad for the housewife's health? Do you agree with her?
12. What does a housewife do on returning back home?
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1. What counters are there in the Grocery situated in the street Natasha lives? 2. What products can

ангел815 ангел815    1   13.05.2021 14:07    23

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