1.What are there at the Tiger Trail for the tigers to play in? 2.What can you watch at the Tiger Trail?
3.How many Sumatran tigers left in the world?
4.Where do Sumatran tigers live?
5.What is the purpose of San Diego Zoo?
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Tigers are members of the cat family. Cats usually hates water, but tigers love it! They are very good swimmers. At the Tiger Trail, there are pools for the tigers to play in. You can watch them playing and swimming in the water. When they are tired, they can relax in the long grass or in special dens.
Sumatran tiger are an endangered species. There are only about 400 Sumatran tigers left in the world. They live in forests in Sumatra, Indonesia. People are destroying the forests because they want the land for farming. As a result, many Sumatran tigers don’t have a place to live. San Diego Zoo wants to protect Sumatran tigers in the safari park and in the wild. They want people to learn about tigers and try to help them.