1. What are seashells? 2. Where do mollusks have their skeletons?
3. How do crabs use shells?
4. What do people create from shells?
5. What do people keep in shells?

Вкорма Вкорма    3   22.12.2020 10:27    10

Maksim2553 Maksim2553  22.12.2020 10:30


1. A shell (shell) is an external protective skeletal formation that covers the body of mollusks and some other invertebrates.2. The shell of molluscs is an external skeletal formation that covers the body of most molluscs and performs protective and supporting functions.3.To protect themselves, hermit crabs search for abandoned shells — usually sea snail shells. When they find one that fits, they tuck themselves inside it for protection and carry it with them wherever they go. This habit of living in a borrowed shell gave rise to the hermit crab's name.4. Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell have been used to create mosaics and inlays, which have been used to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. Large numbers of whole seashells, arranged to form patterns, have been used to decorate mirror frames, furniture and man-made grottos.5. Anything (for example - money)
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