1 We managed to complete our journey ahead of / in front of schedule
2 On our way to York, we divided / broke our journey in Peterborough
3 As I wasn't coming back by train. I asked for a single/ simple ticket
4 The two coaches collided/bumped, but luckily no one was injured/ wounded.
5 There has been widespread public enmit/opposition to the plan for a new road.
6 My car skidded / slipped off the road and hit a tree.
7 The train was packed, and there was standing place / room only
8 Look at that enormous goods/industrial train - it must have 20 or 30 wagons!
9 The police accused Donald of breaking the speed limit/ restriction
10 The Chairman made a brisk/flying visit to the company's new office in Brussels​

ekaterina20122 ekaterina20122    3   25.02.2021 15:23    54

vvashr vvashr  20.01.2024 23:24
1. We managed to complete our journey ahead of schedule.
"Мы смогли завершить нашу поездку раньше, чем было запланировано."
- The phrase "ahead of schedule" means that we finished the journey earlier than planned. It indicates that we were able to complete the journey faster than expected.

2. On our way to York, we divided our journey in Peterborough.
"По дороге в Йорк мы разделили нашу поездку в Питерборо."
- The phrase "divided our journey" means that we took a break or stopped at Peterborough during our trip to York. It suggests that we made a temporary stop or break in the town.

3. As I wasn't coming back by train, I asked for a single ticket.
"Поскольку я не возвращался обратно на поезде, я попросил билет в один конец."
- The word "single" in this context means that I requested a ticket for a one-way journey. It implies that I only needed a ticket to reach my destination without the need for a return ticket.

4. The two coaches collided, but luckily no one was injured.
"Два автобуса столкнулись, но к счастью никто не пострадал."
- The word "collided" means that the two coaches crashed into each other. However, the phrase "no one was injured" indicates that there were no physical injuries or harm to any individuals involved in the accident.

5. There has been widespread public opposition to the plan for a new road.
"Существует широкое общественное противодействие плану строительства новой дороги."
- The word "opposition" means that many people are against or disagree with the plan for constructing a new road. It suggests that there is significant resistance or disapproval from the public.

6. My car skidded off the road and hit a tree.
"Моя машина занесло и она съехала с дороги и врезалась в дерево."
- The word "skidded" indicates that the car lost control and slid sideways. The phrase "off the road" means that the car left the designated driving surface. It implies that the car was no longer on the road but ended up hitting a tree instead.

7. The train was packed, and there was standing room only.
"Поезд был полон, и оставалось только место для стояния."
- The phrase "standing room only" means that there were no available seats on the train, so passengers had to stand during the journey. It suggests that there were many passengers, and all the seats were occupied.

8. Look at that enormous goods train - it must have 20 or 30 wagons!
"Посмотри на этот огромный товарный поезд - в нем должно быть 20 или 30 вагонов!"
- The word "enormous" indicates that the goods train is very large or huge in size. The phrase "20 or 30 wagons" suggests that there is a significant number of wagons attached to the train, possibly indicating its size or capacity.

9. The police accused Donald of breaking the speed limit.
"Полиция обвинила Дональда в превышении скоростного режима."
- The phrase "breaking the speed limit" means that Donald was driving his vehicle faster than the allowed or legal speed on the road. It suggests that he exceeded the maximum speed limit set by traffic regulations.

10. The Chairman made a brisk visit to the company's new office in Brussels.
"Председатель совершил быстрый визит в новый офис компании в Брюсселе."
- The word "brisk" in this context means that the Chairman's visit was quick or speedy. It implies that he did not spend much time in the office and had a brief or efficient visit.
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