1) We have a lecture in Chemistry every Tuesday. … (It, Its) is a very interesting lecture. 2) We have two practical classes in Chemistry on Tuesday and Thursday. … (It, They) are more interesting than the lectures. 3) … (We, Our) first classes start at 8 o’clock in the morning. We mustn’t be late for … (it, them). 4) The main building of … university (we, our) is far from … (it, its) affiliated (учебный) dental clinics. 5) … (Me, I) passed all the entrance exams successfully last summer and now … (I, my) am a first-year student. 6) Prof. Petrov delivers … (its, his) lectures very interestingly. We like to attend … (their, them)

vadimsivun3 vadimsivun3    1   11.10.2021 10:58    0

almaz2008 almaz2008  11.10.2021 11:00

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