1. We can’t go climbing! It’s . (rain)

2. Why you for your holiday photos? (look)

3. What you at? (laugh)

4. ___ Steve an invitation card? (write)

5. OK, wait a minute, I now (get up).

6. “Where’s dad?” – “He on the phone.” (talk)

2. Write sentences in the Present Continuous.

1. (I/wash/my hair/right now)

2. (it/not/rain/at the moment)

3. (my deskmate/sit/on a chair/now)

4. (your sister/listen/to music/at the moment?)

5. (I/not/do/my homework/ now)

6. (you/play/football/now?)

hussrav98 hussrav98    1   12.12.2020 02:59    0

Vlad8081 Vlad8081  11.01.2021 03:05

1. We can't go climbing! It's raining

2. Why are you looking for your holiday photos?

3.What are you laughing at?

4.Is Steve writing an invitation card?

5.Ok, wait a minute, I am getting up

6.Where's dad? - He is talking on the phone.

1. I'm washing my hair right now

2. It's not raining at the moment

3. My deskmate is sitting on a chair now

4.Is your sister listening to music at the moment?

5. I'm not doing my homework now

6. Are you playing football now?


acivnatala acivnatala  11.01.2021 03:05


1. raining

2.are, looking

3.are, laughing

4. is, writing

5. am, getting

6. is, talking


1.I washing my hair right now.

2.It isn't rain at the moment.

3.my deskmate is sitting on a chair now.

4.Is your sister listening to music at the moment?

5. I am not do my homework now.

6. Are you play football now?

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