1. Выпишите из текста пять неправильных глаголов, запишите их основные формы, переведение на русский язык. 2. Выпишите из первого абзаца текста 1 предложение в Past Simple. Напишите это предложение в вопросительных и отрицательных формах.
3. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужном времени(Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple)
Track- and - field athletics. We are students of the physical culture department. All the students of our College began to go in for different kinds of sport before entering the College. At the College they get different sporting specialities. They specialize in swimming, skiing, skating, figure skating, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, weightlifting, track and - field athletics and others. They dream of become the first - class sportsmen and - therefore they pay great attention to special training lessons in their favorite kinds of sport. After graduating from the college they will become coaches and teachers of physical culture. - and - field athletics is the leading sport in our country. Some millions of young men and women train in the athletics sections and take part in competitions. It is hard to find a town or a village in our country where people do not go in for track and - field. Track - and – field athletics practice on the stadiums, in sports halls, sports clubs. This kind of sport includes: running, jumping, discus throwing, hammer throwing, javelin throwing, walking, pentathlon, decathlon, etc. Our track and - field athletics are in good from and compete in all big national and international contests. They win gold, silver, bronze medals and occupy first places in different kinds of track - and field athletics. In our country light athletics enjoys great popularity. It develops many sporting qualities.