1) Выпишите букву наиболее удачного заголовка:
A. My birthday.
B. My friend Jacob.
C. My family.

2) Поставьте номера предложений в порядке следования событий
1. Sometimes we celebrate together.
2. My friend smiled and handed me a card.
3. We love to play basketball together.
4. We like to go to the store together.
5. He knows the name of every kind of car.

3) Выпишите английские эквиваленты к русским предложениям:
1. Джекоб мне нести, а я Джекобу понимать
2. День рождения Джекоба и мой день рождения через 2 дня.
3. Мой друг улыбнулся и передал мне открытку.
4. Мы любим играть в баскетбол вместе.
5. Он мне различать машины тоже.

4) Выберите букву правильного ответа.

1) How old were Jacob and Sam?

A. Jacob was 18 and Sam was 9.
B. Jacob was 17 and Sam was 8.
C. Jacob was as small as Sam.

2) What couldn't Jacob do very well?

A. play basketball.
B. identify the name of the cars.
C. understand traffic lights.

3) How did Sam help Jacob?

A. He helped Jacob to identify the cars.
B. He taught Jacob to play basketball.
C. He helped Jacob to understand traffic lights.

4) What surprise did Jacob make for Sam?

A. Jacob made a birthday cake.
B. Jacob printed a birthday card all by himself.
C. Jacob blew out all of his candles on the birthday cake.

5) How did Sam feel about Jacob?

A. He felt proud of Jacob.
B. He felt sorry for Jacob.
C. He thought Jacob was his best friend.

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королева5720 королева5720    3   29.04.2020 15:46    11

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