1.вставьте “to” перед инфинитивом, где это необходимо. 1 . my son asked me … let him … go to the club. 2 . you must make him … practice an hour a day. 3 . she was made … repeat the song. 4 . he is not sure that it can … be done, but he is willing … try. 5 . let me … help you with your work. 6 . she asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer. 7 . you ought … take care of your health. 8 . i looked for the book everywhere but could not … find it. 9 . he was seen … leave the house. 10 . we had … put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11 . the man told me not … walk on the grass. 12 . have you heard him … play the piano? 13 . you had better … go there at once. 14 . i would rather not … tell them about it. 15 . we shall take a taxi so as not … miss the train.

Jenyastai Jenyastai    3   18.06.2019 20:30    4

Irrishka2005 Irrishka2005  15.07.2020 11:09
1) to let him\ go
2) make him practice
3) was made to repeat
4) it can be done\ to try
5) let me help
6) to read the letter\ and write
7) ought to take care
8) couldn't find it
9) was seen to leave
10) had to put
11) told me not to walk
12) him play the piano
13) had better go there
14) not to tell them
15) not to miss the train
Nikitka76rus Nikitka76rus  15.07.2020 11:09
1) to let, _
2) _
3) to
4) _ , to
5) _
6) to, to
7) to
8) _
9) to
10) to
11) to
12) _
13) to
14) _
15) to
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