1. вчера я встретил стива в библиотеке. 2.listen! can you hear these cheldren next door? they ) again. 3.they ) vegetables in their garden but this year /grow) any(present continuous/present simple) 4.вы не можете идти домой.вы не закончили работу.-я стараюсь(try hard), но не смогла ее закончить.

лера25jd лера25jd    3   21.08.2019 14:10    1

ksussshhhaaa ksussshhhaaa  05.10.2020 09:25
1. Yesterday i met Steve in the library
2. are crying
3. grow/aren't growing
4. You can't go home. You haven't got your work done. - I was trying hard but i couldn't get it done
edinorogik5 edinorogik5  05.10.2020 09:25
1.Yesterday I met Steve in the library.
2.Listen!Can you hear these cheldren next door?They are crying again.
3.They usually are growing vegetables in their garden but this year they are not grow any.
4.You can not go to home. You haven't finished a work. I was trying, but could not finish it.
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