1. Use the articles a, the where necessary. (21 points) 1. ….Moscow is situated on ……Moscow River.  2. …climate of …..northern part of ….Russia is severe. 3. What do you do after …..breakfast? -  After …..breakfast I go to ….school. 4. Bill Robins was …..very rich ….man. He was …..richest man in ….village. 5….Yaroslav …..Wise used marriages of his……daughters to strengthen international…. .relations. 6. Which is ….best season of …..year? 7. It was …hot day.  ….sun was shining brightly in …..blue sky.

2. Choose the right form of the verb (Present Perfect  or Past Simple) (6 points)

1. ___it snowing yet?  

a) Did ….stop           b) Is ……stopped         c)  Has ……stopped

2. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody it by mistake.

a) took       b) has taken     c) takes

3. When ___Jill ___school?

a) had…. finished      b) has ….finished       c) did ……finish

4. I know this place. I there many times.

a) have been    b) was     c) were

5. When I was a child,  I always  late for school.

a) have been       b) has been    c) was

6. There’s the half of my chocolate bar. Somebody it.

a) has eaten b) have eaten c) ate
3. Read this list. Describe which things you must or mustn’t do. (5 points)
a) do homework
b) be late for school
c) go to bed earlier
d) be late for class
e) get up early

4. Use was, were, are, am, is (8 points)
1) Where you yesterday? – I at the football match.
2) What they doing now? - They doing a project.
3) She busy now. She doing her homework.
4) I not watching TV now, I cleaning the room

Lokkinine Lokkinine    1   18.12.2020 10:08    43

snejik07 snejik07  23.01.2024 09:11
1. Use the articles a, the where necessary. (21 points)

1. ....Moscow is situated on the Moscow River.
- The article "the" is used before "Moscow River" because it is a specific river.

2. The climate of the northern part of Russia is severe.
- The article "the" is used before "climate" because it is a specific climate. The article "the" is also used before "northern part of Russia" because it refers to a specific region.

3. What do you do after breakfast? - After breakfast, I go to school.
- The article "the" is not necessary before "breakfast" or "school" because they are both general activities.

4. Bill Robins was a very rich man. He was the richest man in the village.
- The article "a" is used before "very rich man" because it is not a specific man. The article "the" is used before "richest man in the village" because it refers to a specific man and it is a title.

5. Yaroslav the Wise used marriages of his daughters to strengthen international relations.
- The article "the" is used before "Wise" because it is a part of Yaroslav's name. The article "his" is used before "daughters" because it shows possession. The article "international" is used before "relations" because it refers to a specific type of relations.

6. Which is the best season of the year?
- The article "the" is used before "best season" because it refers to a specific season. The article "the" is also used before "year" because it is a specific year.

7. It was a hot day. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky.
- The article "a" is used before "hot day" because it is not a specific day. The article "the" is used before "sun" because it is a specific sun. The article "the" is also used before "blue sky" because it refers to a specific sky.

2. Choose the right form of the verb (Present Perfect or Past Simple) (6 points)

1. ___it snowing yet?
- c) Has …stopped

2. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody ___ it by mistake.
- b) has taken

3. When ___Jill ___school?
- c) did … finish

4. I know this place. I ___ there many times.
- a) have been

5. When I was a child, I always ___ late for school.
- c) was

6. There’s half of my chocolate bar. Somebody ___ it.
- a) has eaten

3. Read this list. Describe which things you must or mustn’t do. (5 points)

a) do homework - You must do homework.
b) be late for school - You mustn't be late for school.
c) go to bed earlier - You must go to bed earlier.
d) be late for class - You mustn't be late for class.
e) get up early - You must get up early.

4. Use was, were, are, am, is (8 points)

1) Where were you yesterday? – I was at the football match.

2) What are they doing now? - They are doing a project.

3) She is busy now. She is doing her homework.

4) I am not watching TV now, I am cleaning the room.
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