1.употребите глагол-сказуемое в будущем времени ,используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов: 1. they must solve a number of problems concerning northern ireland. 2.she can do this work in time. 3.you may use this method in your research. 2.заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some,any,no: 1.there were ( some,any,no ) other higher schools at that time in russia. 2. can you give me ( some,any,no ) magazines? 3. they carried out ( some,any,no ) experiments yesterday

1Kolomiets1 1Kolomiets1    3   15.06.2019 10:10    11

TheArtemSuper111 TheArtemSuper111  12.07.2020 15:51
1. They will have to solve a number of problems conncerning Nothern ireland.
2. She will be able to this work in time.
3. You will be able to use this method in your research.
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