1. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол to have употреблен как вс Переведите предложения. 1. You will have to deliver the goods in five days.
2. They have just signed all the documents.
3. Many people have a current account in the bank.
4. The banking industry has changed radically over the last 10 years.
5. Britain has a largely free-market economy.
6. Our exports have increased. The increase will give us an opportunity to repay the credit.
7. The country has always imported these goods.
2. Укажите, в каких функциях употреблен глагол to have в сле¬дующих предложениях:
1). Не often has to write letters to foreign companies.
2). They have already discussed the time of delivery of goods.
3). The firm has extended its resources through the use of credit.
4). They had to agree to this plan.
5). The owner has invested some of his money into new businesses.
6). The firm has no securities.
7). New credits have increased the income of the purchaser.
3. Определите, в каких функциях употреблен глагол to be в следующих предложениях: a) модальный; с) вс смысловой; d) глагол-связка.
1. Our company is interested in different consumer goods.
2. English is the main language of the business world.
3. The development of foreign trade is of great importance for any country.
4. This company was to sign a contract.
5. Bank notes are issued by the central bank.
6. London is on the Thames.
7. The conference was attended by representatives of different coun¬tries.
4. Проанализируйте функции глагола to do в следующих пред¬ложениях и переведите их на русский язык:
1. This bank does crediting operations between individuals.
2. Mr. Smith doesn't go to his office on Saturdays.
3. This manager works as well as he did last year.
4. The young scientist did make the experiment successfully.
5. We did our best to sign this contract.
6. She doesn't speak English so well as her friend does.
7. They usually study English every day. And so does he.